Laminated Paper

Laminated Paper

AliasesLP, Laminated
RelativesLaminator (Mom, deceased), Construction Paper (Dad)
OccupationCollege Student
BirthdayApril 17th
SpeciesLaminated Construction Paper
Gender and PronounsNon-Binary, they/them
Height5'5" (165cm)
HometownToledo, Ohio

Laminated Paper was a potential debutter in Red's Camp Deluxe, used to compete in Matter Madness S3, and is currently competing in FAKER.


Laminated Paper is a purple laminated construction paper, with a lavender-blue gradient and a star imprinted in blue ink on the front. For half of the competition in MMS3, they had cyan glitter on their face.


Very skeptical and cautious. Laminated Paper is known to have trust issues, especially around new friends, well known people, or even reality shows as a whole. They are often afraid of getting hurt, and when they do, they have a tendency to hold grudges. Laminated Paper has a hard time showing their true self around strangers, so they may look strict or apathetic at first. Below the surface, Laminated Paper is an intelligent, humorous, and caring individual who would go out of their way to help others in need. However, they can be easily overwhelmed over grueling events.


General RP and Camp Events


Glitter Slime (Good Terms) - Became best friends since the first grade. Glitter Slime saw Laminated Paper sitting on the swings alone at recess and wanted to swing with them. Planned to become roommates in college, possible love interest, but hasn't seen her or Dry Ice in almost 3 years.

Dry Ice (Good Terms) - Became best friends when Dry Ice moved to LP's middle school. Laminated Paper met her in their English class.

Elaminated Cardboard (Bad Terms) - Tried to kill LP numerous times and was forced to compete alongside him in FAKER. LP was later abducted by Elaminated Cardboard and was held hostage for some time.


  • The idea of Laminated Paper as an OC has been around since 2017, but Indigo didn't actually draw them until four years later.
  • LP's mom died as soon as she created Laminated Paper.
  • Laminated Paper has been interested in Computer Science since they were in fifth grade.
  • LP actually made their own computer in their freshman year of high school.
  • The reason why Laminated Paper wore glitter on their face in MMS3 was because it was a gift from Glitter Slime after she told them that she would be away for a few months.
  • It is confirmed that Laminated Paper's favorite game is Manyland.
  • LP used to carry around a 1995 Dictionary around as a comfort object until they accidentally left it to burn in a volcano during their time in MMS3. It used to be their mother's.
  • LP still has their driver's permit.
  • Sometime during Matter Madness Season 3, Laminated Paper got into a fight with someone and they attempted to tear them apart, hence why LP wore a piece of duct tape on their head for some time.
  • According to Laminated Paper, they know how a recovery center works. In FAKER, they tried to replicate the code from memory in order to make a recovery center straight from their laptop.
  • Laminated Paper is not athletic at all
  • They have a fear of dying and being forgotten.
  • Reference

